Choosing a good blog name.
Choosing a blog name is also noteworthy because it can affect visitors. We can choose if a blog that is suitable for the blog owner. It could also with their own name, or a name that is memorable, unique name, a name famous. Because it can affect and digestible for the visitors when he wanted to visit our website or blog. A good name can affect the future sustainability of your blog.Factors that influence the selection of a blog.
1. Objectives
We touched a purpose in making blog or website. For the proportional certainly will choose a name that is not arbitrary. But it will choose a name that has special meaning hidden so that people will be interested and that person will explore the meaning of the name of your blog or website unique.
Usually people see a blog topic already know what is in that blog content like sports field so it was separated from the sports field and when the topic of personal or personal name usually tells about the person.
3. Long-term expectations .
We should have a long-term expectations in making your blog or website. Is it only for information, build our own image, or just a hobby or even just want to get advertising.
4. Managing blog
Blog In managing web ataau there are some people and should be agreed in the management of it. And so was the name of your blog or website with a lot of managers, a blog should be agreed jointly. Unless a web blog or personal property.
5. Noting the contents.
What will be taken from the contents of her blog or website is what is amusing or serious. And taking the name also usually adapted to the conten substance.
6. Long names.
It is expected not to make long names because, according to a survey that long names lazy people will write. If people are males, write the name of our blog for our losses. Therefore, making a good name, easy to remember, and not too long.
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